New Finds from the Caves of the Nymphs

William N. Bruce (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

From the lower reaches of the Othrys massif to the banks of the Peneios river, this presentation follows the progress of an archaeological survey currently lead by the University of Florida Classics Department in central Thessaly with the purpose of mapping and exploring all extant cultsites of the Nymphs in the region. Special focus is given to two cave sanctuaries, one partially excavated by the Italian Archaeological School in the 1920’s (ASAA 6-7 (1922-1924) pp.27-42, pls.1-51) and one previously unknown, which lie to the southwest of ancient Pharsalus. First explored by the University of Florida team in Spring 2006, this site revealed a large number of sherds, including fineware from the Classical period and an embanked pathway which may date to pre-Classical times. A third sanctuary, tentatively identified with a partially submerged site on the shores of the Peneios north of Atrax (ZPE 14, 1974, p.21), is also considered. Through an examination of the topographical, archaeological and epigraphical evidence surveyed, the paper offers new insights on the use of caves in central Thessaly and on the worship of the Nymphs in this legendary area of Greece.

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